Lindsey Sharratt


around who you are and who you want to be.


in your ability to achieve your ambitions and goals.


to help you build the life and business you want.

Get in touch

It’s hard to become who you want to be, if you’re not clear on who you are.

Clarity in your goals starts with clarity in yourself.

About US

Stop looking for someone to give you the solutions. You can be the change you need.

We work with aspirational individuals who know they can get better results, but are having trouble achieving what they’re capable of. We help you to work on you, so you can work on – and achieve – your life goals.

We aim to give you the power to be in charge of your own outcomes, by working with you on the things that get in the way of your success.

Who do we work with ?

We want to work with you if you’re frustrated and unhappy about your results.

If you’re not where you think you ought to be, struggle to find a sense of direction, frequently compare your results with others and feel bad about the results, get little satisfaction or confidence from your wins – I’d ask you to take a look at what we do, and if it rings a bell for you – talk to us.

There are things you can do that will help with all of this, and they start with getting a clearer sense of yourself – past, present and future.

Everyone deserves to get what they can out of life – to be able to achieve in line with their abilities and celebrate their successes.

Lack of self-clarity can be the root of many problems: self-sabotage, lack of confidence, poor communication, problems with goal-setting, low self-esteem, inability to deal with risk – so many things that hold you back.

If these are problems that are stopping you building the life you want – in business, career or social relations – we may be able to help.

Our goal is to provide services which are available for everyone – from free content and online courses to tailored company programs and one-to-one mentoring.

You may have tried other services and not got the results you want. We aim to offer something different.

We want to help you to achieve whatever you’re aiming for, and to feel stronger, clearer and more confident on your journey.

Our Services

Work with us however suits YOU best

We have a range of free and paid products and services to help you get to where you need to be.

Online Training

Training programs for people who work best online.


Workshops and in-person training courses.

1-2-1 Coaching

Personal support for people who prefer a bespoke solution.


A selection of free videos on identity, leadership and mental health.


Read articles we’ve shared on other sites.

Guest Podcasts

Interviews on identity and how it impacts everyday life.

Why are we different ?

We belive in substance over style.

You won’t be bombarded with motivational quotes and short-term fixes that leave you back at square one in two weeks’ time.

Our founder, Lindsey, has a PhD in Psychology (identity and self-concept, and their role in psychological distress and wellbeing) and a Masters equivalent in leadership and management.

She combines her research with learning from 20 years of management experienc, to help the people she works with get the best results they can.

Our approach is science-based and founded on multiple fields of psychology research.

Our Blog

Latest Blog & Articles

We talk about all the things that make you get in your own way.

If you want to see something here, let us know !

Not Another Guru?!

Guru? No, never. Yuck. The coaching world is still awash with these self-styled, self-satisfied experts. Hands up, some of them are really, really…